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AM02-0041 1/24 Mazda RX7 FD VEILSIDE built by Break Wong - Alpha Model
- AM02-0041 1/24 scale model car kits kit
Mazda RX7 FD VEILSIDE built by Break Wong
After opening the product package, take out all the parts bags and the car body. Since the product may be damaged during transportation by the logistics company, you should first check whether the parts are damaged. other parts are more easily damaged. After confirming that the parts are not damaged, please check whether the etched sheet has any bending or damage and whether the water sticker has any stains. After confirming that all standard items are in good condition, you can start the preparation work for production.
AlphaModel's products are precisely molded, especially in the production technology of the car shell, which is very mature. The car shell has a precise shape, a smooth surface without burrs and shrinkage,deep engraving lines, and sharp edges. These characteristics greatly reduce the difficulty of production and are very suitable for novices.
Car shell treatment
You can first use sandpaper to level it, and then use a 0.15mm diameter scoring knife to deepen the scoring. Although the scoring of the car body itself is relatively clear, we still need to deepen it manually again, so that it will have a more three-dimensional effect after the production is completed, and you can consider not to seep the line, and use natural shadows to show the texture of the scoring position.
After deepening the lines,firstuse 800-grit paper to grind and leve the entire car shell,which will narease thesharpness of the ertire car,make the position of theemgraved lines moreobvious,and make theposition of the largepbne more flat,so thatthe effect of bter spray panting and vamish will be better.Duringthe grindng process,pay attention to the arc and protruding positions.Use lisht force to avoid grinding away compex details;after leveing,use 1000 and 1500 sandpaperstornd away the coarser scratdhes,and then use 1500 and 2000 sponge sandpapers to grind again.Use high-grit sandpaper to apply a little more farce,so that it is easier to grind away the coarse scratches.Only when the surface of the warkpieoe is well treated,the effect after cobring wil be better.Pay attentin to wearing a gas mask during thegrinding prooess.Resin dust is toxic,so pay attentionto protectin.
Car shell painting
After cleaning the dust on the car body, first use the white putty specially for resin to prime it to increase the adhesion of the topcoat and unify the base color of the whole car. For the main color of the car body, I used Gunze Orange (C-58), and then waited for it to dry before lightly spraying a layer of pearl red (Jianyu Pearl Color Series). In this way, it will show orange under normal light, and it can reflect pearl red under polarized light.
- After the main color paint is dry,the body parts except the wide body and the rearview mirrorshould be masked and colored.These parts are all black Be careful when masking notto missany partthat needs to be masked.In some places with complexcurves,you can use a pen knife to gentycut out the shape along the edge,but be careful not to damage the paint surface with the blade.When holding the masking paper with tweezers,be careful not to scratch the paint surface with the tip of the tweezers.
Headlight color separation-
- Car Shell
- PE making
For the etching part, I chose plate spraying. First, I covered the parts that did not need to be colored with masking tape, and then used 800 sandpaper to sand the parts that needed to be colored. Before coloring, I used Gunze SF287 water putty for primer
After the resin parts arecobred,theetchng sheet can be pasted an them.Use a toothpick to apply nstant glue on the parts,and use tweezers and a gue pen to operate.Toothpick gue can preventglue overflow caused by too mary glue dots.Theglue canbejelly or liquid.Liquid glue driesquickly,but because of its high fluidity,it may overflow when bording small parts.Jell glue dries sbwly,but has poor fluidity.After the etching sheet is attached,it can be adjusted ina short time. After reaching a satisfactary evel,wait for more than ten seconds todry.For some very smallparts, Microscale MI-9 and MI-10 can be used for pastng.This type of gue can achieve the strength of fixing the parts. Once you encounter the problem of glue overfbw,you can usea cotton swab dpped in water to wipe off the excess glue without leaving any traces. Microscale MI-1 and MI-2 can be used to assist in the bonding process of carbon fiber decals.MI-1 is a backing adhesive that increases the stickhess of the decals,and MI-2 isa softener.After brushing the softener an complex curved surfaces,the ductility of thedecals canbe ncreased,allowing them to better fit the parts.
Wheel making
In order to achieve the electroplated mirror effect of the wheel hub, first use a white base, then spray amino varnish to achieve a mirror effect, and then spray electroplated silver paint to achieve the mirror effect. However, the electroplated particles have poor adhesion and will oxidize after being exposed to the air for a long time, so it is necessary to spray electroplating paint protective liquid.
Internal components
The main panel of the instrument panel is matte black (Gunz C-33).The seat belts can be replaced with 2mm wide woven tape, and the sponsor logo stickers can be purchased from third-party water stickers.
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